The TIME for a REVIVAL MOVEMENT is NOW. YOU can be a part of it TOO

About the conference

The TIME for a REVIVAL MOVEMENT is NOW. YOU can be a part of it TOO.

Come to Hanover from April 4th to 7th, 2024 and let yourself be marinated anew in His love NOW and filled with the power of the Holy Spirit to be a revival carrier. We believe that the time of harvest is ready in Germany and we are convinced that He also wants to use you as His Instrument. Join us for a life-changing, intense time in the power of God, deliverance, healing and preparation. In addition to powerful messages from our international speakers and intense times of worship that bring heaven to earth, you can look forward to being filled with the fire and power of the Holy Spirit.

YES! It is time to come back to the first love to our Bridegroom Jesus Christ. It is time for the heartbeat of our Father to be released more and more into our hearts with His truth and what He really feels, thinks and speaks. In this way, closely connected to Him, we become carriers of His heartbeat and touch and change our surroundings with His love, truth and His kingdom.

It’s time to come into a deep intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit like never before. YES, it is time to seek our Lord Jesus Christ like never before and to know HIM so that we can discern HIM & HIS WORD from all that is false.

It’s time to not just to keep what the Lord gives and has given us, but to share it with others so that multiplication can happen. Let us not be among those who prefer to bury their talents instead of using them for God’s Kingdom. The price our King Jesus Christ paid for the salvation of mankind was far too high. Let us be where HIS HEART BEATS.

It’s time to get rid of the orphan spirit and step into the inheritance in the spirit of sonship, which is everyone’s right through the blood of Jesus.

It is time for the bride to be set free and raised up in her individual gifts. That she rises and begins to shine brightly in this land.

The speakers

Simon Braker (UK)

His heart burns for revival in Europe & a fiery bride of Christ. In his 30 years of international ministry he has authored the „School of the Spirit“ training program which helps equip churches for the practical ministry of the Holy Spirit. Simon is a member of the core leadership team of the British Isles Council of Prophets and leads the UK Prophetic Mentoring Program, which focuses on equipping and nurturing healthy prophets and prophetic ministry.
Simon was ordained as a prophet through Harvest International Ministry (HIM)


Virginnia Logan (UK)

Virginnia carries the Father’s heart for the lost and walks in a compassionate burden for those who are drifting towards an eternity separated from God! Her sermons are proof of this and bear the mark of an ambassador of Christ: „God pleads through her for the lost to be reconciled to God“. The cry of Virginnia’s heart is „that the Lamb may receive the reward of his suffering“. She has seen many people all over the world and in many nations saved and reconciled to God. Virginnia wants the Church to rise up and live totally as a living sacrifice for Jesus, walking in love, power and authority. Virginnia is a CfaN Associate Evangelist and has completed the 2021 CfaN Evangelism Bootcamp.


Jens Garnfeldt (DK)

Pastor Jens Garnfeldt is a voice of revival for Europe. He teaches and preaches with authority, accompanied by signs and wonders. Two people have already been raised from the dead through his ministry. Jens‘ messages are stirring, encouraging and humorous.

Kopenhagen Bibeltrainings Center


David Rotärmel (D)

His mission is to bring Jesus to the lost and dying and to see whole cities revived and shaken by the power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
His heart burns especially to see the work of God anew in Germany and in the churches and to encourage the churches to work together for the harvest. He has great faith for a great harvest here in Germany. In all of this, David is not just a man of great words, but also a man of great deeds. He is the leader of the ministry „Reviving the World“. With them they have already held 3 major crusades ( Nights of Hope ) HERE in Germany and have seen a great harvest, followed by many healings and miracles. More Great Gospel Campaigns are planned for 2024 in Germany.

Reviving The World is an evangelistic ministry that conducts large-scale crusades around the world.

In 2020, he participated in the CfaN Bootcamp and was ordained as an evangelist by CfaN.


Andreas & Dorothea Schulz (D)

Founded Holyfire Ministry in 2008 and have been serving in churches & various locations throughout Germany ever since. A special focus is the deep, intimate & personal relationship with the Father, Jesus & the Holy Spirit, as well as the simplicity & freedom in worship and proclaiming the Good News in simplicity & joy. Their heart burns especially for the preparation of the Bride of Jesus and the call to come back into first love with the Bridegroom, Jesus Christ, as well as healing & deliverance in this regard. Their desire is for hearts to be set on fire with the fire of God, which brings about true surrender, repentance, conversion, discipleship and joy.

Suri Devaraj (USA)

Solomon Suresh Devaraj is the founder and director of Latter Glory Ministries and lives in Pittsburgh, PA with his wife Tammy and 3 children. He is a native of India and through his evangelistic ministry thousands of people have experienced the power of God. He has a distinctive teaching ministry characterized by a balance of teaching from the Word of God, practical examples from his own life, and confirmation of the Word taught through the intense work of the Holy Spirit.
He is the author of the book, „Supernatural Keys to the Higher Dimension“ which has changed the lives of many people around the world.

Event location & times

Event organizer:
Holyfire Ministry gUG (haftungsbeschränkt)

Event Location:
ICHTHYS Freie Jesus-Gemeinde e.V.
Ikarusallee 1A
30179 Hannover

The times given are a guideline, but are not set in stone. We want to be guided by the Holy Spirit and are prepared to shorten or lengthen the blocks at any time.

Thu. 04.04.24 18:30 – ca.21:30
Fri. 05.04.24 11:00 – 13:30 14:30 – 17:00 19:00 – open End
Sat. 06.04.24 11:00 – 13:30 14:30 – 17:00 19:00 – open End
Sun. 07.04.24 10:30 – 14:00 15:00 – 18:00
Conference fees

Early bird special until 11. Feb. 24

Adults: 39,- €
Married couple: 59,- €
Youth under the age of 18: 19,- €
Rentner / Arbeitslos / Studenten: 29,- €
Retired / unemployed / students: 75,- €

Regular ticket price from 12. Feb. 24

Adults: 49,- €
Married couple: 69,- €
Youth under the age of 18: 29,- €
Retired / unemployed / students: 39,- €
Family ticket (married couple + max. 4 young people): 85,- €

Ticket for practical staff get 50 % off the regular price
(if required & on request)

We are looking for practical staff for the conference in the following areas:
Steward / Technical / Camera / Housekeeping / Driving / …

We will send you a separate form after your registration so that we can get to know you better and assess the areas in which we may be able to use you. Only after successful registration will we check whether we can use you as a practical staff member. If so, you will receive a 50% discount on the regular ticket price. We will then discuss everything else with you personally.

Register HERE now

1 Step 1
Angaben zur den Personen
Ich habe ein GutscheincodeBitte nur "Ja" klicken wenn du von uns persönlich einen bekommen hast.

Bitte alle Pflichtfelder ausfüllen 

​oder die gewählte Kombination ist so nicht möglich. Bitte nutzen sie in diesem Fall das Formular mehrfach für die jeweiligen Tickets.

Dein eingegebener Gutscheincode ist leider nicht gültig 

​Falls du fragen hast oder dein Gutscheincode nicht funktionieren sollte, wende dich bitte an "".



​Nach erfolgreicher Anmeldung erhältst du von uns eine separate Email mit der Bestätigung deines kostenlosen Tickets.


49,- €


69,- €


98,- €


147,- €


196,- €


29,- €


58,- €


87,- €


116,- €


78,- €


107,- €


136,- €


165,- €


165,- €


85,- €


85,- €

Automatisch neu berechneter reduzierter
Gesamtpreis als Familienticket


85,- €

Automatisch neu berechneter reduzierter
Gesamtpreis als Familienticket


85,- €

Automatisch neu berechneter reduzierter
Gesamtpreis als Familienticket


97,- €


156,- €


185,- €


214,- €


176,- €


205,- €


234,- €


263,- €


263,- €


225,- €


254,- €


283,- €


312,- €


39,- €


78,- €


117,- €


156,- €


68- €


97,- €


126,- €


155,- €


107,- €


136,- €


165,- €


194,- €


146,- €


175,- €


204,- €


233,- €


185,- €


214,- €


243,- €


272,- €


156,- €


25,- €


25,- €


12,- €


12,- €


85,- €

Maximal ein Ehepaar mit bis zu 4 Kindern

Falls sie verschiedene Personen anmelden möchten (z.B. ein Ehepaar und einen Rentner / Student / Arbeitslos), nutzen sie das Formular bitte mehrfach und machen sie einzelne Bestellungen. Für Anmerkungen, Fragen und/oder Ergänzungen können sie das Feld "zusätzliche Infos" verwenden.  Kinder unter 12 Jahren, die sich auf der Konferenz im Veranstaltungsraum aufhalten möchten, haben je nach Teilnehmeranzahl keinen sicheren Anspruch auf einen eigenen Sitzplatz. Um eine Kinderbetreuung wird sich bemüht, kann aber zum aktuellen Zeitpunkt noch nicht garantiert werden. 

Weiteres und Anmeldung

Achtung bitte lesen

Das Feld "Praktischer Mitarbeiter werden" ist vorerst eine unverbindliche Anfrage. Damit wir dich besser kennenlernen und abwägen können, in welchen Bereichen wir dich eventuell einsetzen können, schicken wir dir nach deiner Anmeldung ein separates Formular zu und möchten dich bitten, dieses zeitnah auszufüllen. Erst nach erfolgreicher Registrierung prüfen wir, ob wir dich als praktischen Mitarbeiter einsetzen können. Wenn ja, dann bekommst du 50% Ermäßigung auf den regulären Ticketpreis. Alles weitere werden wir dann persönlich mit dir besprechen. 

Eine mögliche Mitarbeit ist in den folgenden Bereichen denkbar:

Ordner / Technik / Kamera / Housekeeping / Fahrdienst / Übersetzung / ... 

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